Wednesday, February 1, 2017

RE: Open Letter to Trumbull Police Chief & Commission

The mission of the Trumbull Police Department is to provide professional, knowledgeable, and thorough law enforcement services to ensure the safety and well being of all people with constant awareness to the diverse needs of the individual and community.
"Mission is to ... ensure the safety ... of all people..."

Last year (December, 2016) I addressed the Trumbull Police Commission and told them that, as a frequent pedestrian in town, I do not feel safe using our roads. From my perspective the primary causes are that traffic is too fast and the town lacks sufficient pedestrian infrastructure, especially in and around key pedestrian destinations. I argued that safety for all road users rests solely with the Police Department and the Local Traffic Authority, both of which are represented by the Police Commission.

The commissioners encouraged me to share my thoughts, and expand on the details of the challenging areas I briefly mentioned, directly with Chief Lombardo (you can read that lengthy email here).

If you do not feel safe as a pedestrian, or do not feel your loved ones are safe when they are pedestrians, I encourage you to share your thoughts with Chief Lombardo as well. Feel free, as I did, to also copy First Selectman Herbst, Deputy Chief Kirby, and Economic Developer Rina Bakalar (emails below). You can also add your Town Council Representatives (which I did not).

My immediate hope is that we can fix those spots in town that put us at the greatest risk, making Trumbull a more walkable community. But I also hope that by considering pedestrian needs from the outset of a project the town will develop pedestrian friendly locations that thrive socially and economically, and provide long term value to the town by creating the kind of community in which tomorrow's home buyers and businesses will choose to invest, live and raise families.

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